Friday, February 8, 2008

Help The Homeless visit by 5th Graders to Hillcrest House on Thursday Feb 6th, 2008

Dear All,
On Thursday February 6th, as part of their health program, the 5th graders, accompanied by Mr Ouellette and myself, went to Hillcrest House in Poughkeepsie to see what it's like to be homeless in Dutchess County. The group were shown a short video and then were able to ask questions about the homeless problem and how the shelter works to accomodate up to 6o people every night. We were then given a tour of the building and viwed the the very sparse amenities (see attached photos). Although the shelter does receive some funding from social services, it still relies heavily on the work of volunteers and many fundraising events to cover their basic costs. The 5th Graders feel strongly that they want to be part of this and have decided to collect essential items that the center requires on a regular basis. These are listed below:
Twin-size mattress covers
Paper Towels
Feminine Hygiene Products
Mops and Brooms
Spray deodorant
Sugar and Syrup
Wash clothes
Laundry detergent and bleach
Sample sized soap bars
Shaving cream and disposable razors
Cleaning Supplies

(The center also looks for people who can provide services such as hair cuts, dental services, eyeglasses, optometrist services, mechanic services, groundswork and painting.)
As the center is always desperate for boxes of cereal, we thought that it would be great if every family at DDS could provide a box of cereals. Of course CASH donations are very welcome too and would go to the center's "Wind Chill" Fund!
Please, Please help by sending in as many items as you can.Bins outside the double glass doors and outside the two gyms will be put for collection starting next week (Mon Feb 11th). The homeless situation has worsened over the last few years and people are desperately in need of our help. As the 5th Graders found out, many homeless people in Poughkeepsie are on the streets because their jobs (yes, many have regular employment) do not pay enough even to afford the rent on a house or apartment. Minimum wage in New York is around 8 dollars I believe. The average lowest rent is between $800 - $900. How does one survive on that? We will be collecting items until just after Spring Break so if you are going away, don't forget to bring back all those sample sized hotel/airline shampoos and soaps.
Thanking You in Anticipation
Nigel Pink

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